Who We Are

Aidify Initiative is a Uganda-based NGO dedicated to improving the lives of indigent and disadvantaged communities. Our programs span vital sectors, including Health, Agriculture and Livelihood, Climate Change Mitigation, Research and Governance, and Water Sanitation and Hygiene.

We believe in the power of collective effort to drive sustainable change. By working hand-in-hand with communities, government agencies, and partners, we aim to create lasting positive impacts, empower marginalized groups, and contribute to the socio-economic development of Uganda.

Our Core Values


We care deeply about the communities we serve.


We strive for a world where everyone has equal opportunities.


We are committed to accountability in all our actions.


We encourage openness, fairness & clarity to empower stakeholders

"Through these initiatives, we aspire to create lasting positive impacts, empower marginalized groups, and contribute to the socio-economic development of our nation."
Kamutono Paul
Acting Executive Director
Aidify Uganda

Aidify Initiative is a Uganda-based NGO dedicated to improving the lives of indigent and disadvantaged communities.

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